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Written by Nicholas Gerard Giacona

James Patrick Higgins was born in like 1985.  Jimmy lived in Tulsa and grew up in the same neighborhood as Hanson (no joke).  Jimmy moved to Michigan later on, and sang lead in a band with some kids or something.  Jimmy then played in a band with Eddie Cochron and Andy Walsh.  Then Jimmy, Nick, and Greg and Aldy were a band.  Then Andrew joined.  Since then, jimmy has lost 50 pounds and has grown enough hair to keep his head warm.  Jimmy plays a really bad guitar, though it could not be played better.  Jimmy is a child prodigy.  Jimmy takes lessons at Limelight music from Larry.  Jimmy's guitar playing ability lies second to his songwriting and performing flair!  Jimmy is single and looking.  Jimmy lives in Rochester, Michigan and is the player of the band.