... Hot Rodney ...
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Hot Rodney

Our second record Not One Cloud has landed!
University of Tulsa Collegian reviews the album.
Our debut For Your Pleasure is also available!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/14/04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Is this thing still on? Hey guys, sorry we're late. Traffic was a nightmare. Lots has changed. Jimmy is at Michigan State now and having a great time living with Sammy and singing all the time. Nick just this week made the top five for "Spartan Idol" and continues to amaze the fairer sex as a member of the Spartan Dischords. Andrew has moved into a spacious and well-appointed East Lansing apartment and recently secured a full-time job. Greg is still Greg, still at Western, and you know how he rolls. Nice and easy. Jimmy and Nick continue to play their music informally around campus, and new music continues to be written. School is busy though. Things happen pretty fast. If you're reading this, please know that the fact that you're still reading this site after so many months of inactivity both astounds and frightens us, and you have our tremendous gratitude for your continued support. Let's get something cooking on the messageboard! Rodneys, sound off! One two three BREAK!
Jim's MP3 is still posted, for those who haven't heard yet:
(Right click, "Save Target As..." to download)


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