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Andrew's High Speed Chase

Alright, one night Andrew was driving Nick O back to his house and when they got in his sub, near his house, they almost hit this speeding car that goes by.  After the car was a middle aged man, sprinting his ass off, chasing the car.  Andrew says what the hay so he turns around and picks up the guy. Pissed off middle aged guy says to Andrew, "Those fuckers threw something at me, I think it was acid or some shit cause I cant feel my hand".   The guy says "follow that car" and before Andrew knew it, he was going 75 though a sub, chasing the mysterious vehicle.  Both cars were stopped at the light of Adams and Tienken.  Then Andrew realized that the car they were chasing the whole time was Jimmy.  Jimy turning around and recognizing Andrews car pulls off to the shoulder and stops.  The man tells Andrew to follow and after pulling off the road behind Jimmy.  Jimmy, Dan Fountain, and D-dubs get out of the car laughing.  Andrew gives them the head shake but it was too late.  Pissed off middle aged guy was already outside yelling at them.  After many apologies, Andrew drive middle aged guy back home.  Middle aged guy said that he got their  liscense plate number but wont call the cops because, "they seemed like decent guys and they apologized".  Turns out, jimmy and the boys were just having fun, with a hand full of mulch.  I didn't know that mulch feels alot like acid and can paralyze on contact though.  Thus ends the story...