One night, Nick pulled out the 1960s Disney Classic Escape to Witch Mountain for the family to watch.
About an hour into the movie, Nick tossed the channel changer onto the couch. Following this, Vincent, Nick's brother,
threw a pillow that happened to hit Tony, Nick's other brother, in the back. Tony happened to have a sunburn.
Tony started crying. Nick's mom came into the room furious and shut off the Disney Classic and demanded that everyone
go to bed. Nick said "No!" because he was well into the movie at this point, but she said he could finish it in the
morning. When Nick said he was going to turn the movie back on and enjoy the rest of it, she said he would lose his
car and cell phone. Nick was pissed. It was 11:30. Nick's mom was excited and said that because Nick too
had thrown something, the channel changer, he was as much at fault as Vincent, who hurt Tony. Nick was not allowed to
watch the rest of Escape To Witch Mountain...