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September 2003

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9/27/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A new question of the week has been posted under messages. Please help us out, we need your input. Feel free to post anonymously; please be candid and honest. And if you've heard our new material, we especially need your insight.
Brace yourselves for a flood of new stories and features. Things people have said and things we like are updated all the time.
Lock the doors, you guys. Lock that one and that one.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9/20/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
New offerings have been posted at Nick's lyrics page, including the words to some songs you'll soon hear on the new record. Jim wrote the better part of a couple of these, which if you're keeping score is new for Hot Rodney. If you are keeping score, I've got a lot of undarned socks that need darning. Put that free time to good use. Here's what's new:
As you may have noticed, I said "new" four times in that paragraph. This is an exciting time for Hot Rodney! We have some big announcements to make in the next couple of days, so please just sit tight and keep darning those socks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9/16/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Just some quick things. The second album is still in the sky, we hope and expect it will land in our little cardboard box before Homecoming. Whoever said chivalry was dead never met our own Gentleman Jim, who has been patiently courting his new Pro Tools machine, coaxing and cajoling, trying to tease out something good. But she is a femme fatale and the dance goes on. Play, pipers. Strike, drum. Incidentally, did anyone hear Jimmy sing at school-church? I tried to hitchhike my way home for it but ended up in West Virginia... directions were never my thing. I was there in spirit though. Unfortunately, spirits don't have ears so you'll have to let me know how it sounded (this is Bill).
Updates from Hot Rodney: The College Years...
Greg is telling everyone he knows that he doesn't have class on Mondays or Fridays. Yes, that's right. He has a four-day weekend, every weekend. He goes to Western... Someone ask Greg to NDP Homecoming so he can get a new profile. He will buy you either steak or fish, but not both. Girls preferred.
When he's not visiting State, Andrew is honing his impression of Jimmy over the telephone and doing tall-people things with roommate Scollin. His car is just fine, thanks. If you have a bunch of cassettes gathering dust give them to Jim to give to Andrew. If your parents have a bunch of cassettes gathering dust, steal them and give them to Jim to give to Andrew.
Nick is singing in the MSU Spartan Dischords and the glee club and like three other choirs. He's taking a class on other cultures or something. The superfluous third roommate moved out so visit! There's a bed for you. Fantastic.
I dunno, man. Ben should sign the guestbook.
Listen to the Beach Boys, young ones. Listen close and you will see.
Update: Ben signed like a pro! Also, we regret to inform you of the removal of the Chat option. While we originally thought this was an exciting and novel idea that would revolutionize the Rodney online experience, on the one or two occasions that we got it to work, the only person we ever encountered was there by accident looking for "teen chat." Hot Rodney teen chat? we asked eagerly. No, she said. It was time. Chat room, we barely knew ye.
Update II: We can all sleep easier now knowing that an inexplicable and unforgivable oversight has been righted. Bridget Maher has been added to the Things we Like list. She has always held a place on the Things we Love list, which is kept deep in our hearts.
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