Hero of the Week
1 December 2003:
Dan Hollenkamp and Tim Hollis
Dan Hollenkamp and Tim Hollis are two of the best people you will ever meet. They dedicated their
entire day to the Hot Rodney show, just because they are nice guys. And it sounded great! Mr. Feedback was turned away
at the door with a swift kick in the pants! But it wasn't enough for these two gentlemen just to make Hot Rodney sound better
than ever before - they also went and recorded the whole mess for later consumption. Not even a bad tooth and a fever could
keep Iron Tim away from the soundboard. And Danny came to the rescue when Jim couldn't figure out how to turn on his guitar.
If you see Dan (he's far away) or Tim (which is more likely), give them a hug and a kiss if you are a girl and a firm handshake
and appreciative nod if you are a boy. Thanks dudes! By the way, you are now Heroes of the Week!
19 November 2003:
Chris Laney and Adam Dutkiewicz
These two crazies wanted nothing more than to see Hot Rodney perform at their most recent show in Albion Michigan. Duke
and Laney are currently living in the East Lansing area, a good 53 miles away from Albion. As freshman attending Michigan
State, they are unable to have cars. Where many lost hope, giving up their dreams of seeing The Rodneys perform their longest
set to date, these two prepared to battle the odds. Laney and Duke woke up at the crack of dawn and mounted their bicycles
side by side, riding into the crisp autumn morning. Planning for an all day event, they left East Lansing around 8 in the
morning...only to find that they would conquer the journey in no more than 5 man hours. Oh yes! They made it to the show.
In fact, when they got there, they helped promote and sell CDs. God bless these two super gentlemen! You have served the band
proud! We love you guys. For this reason and many more, you are this weeks "Best Person...Ever!"