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November 2003

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/19/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So yeah the show is a week from today! Jim has finalized everything now; it will start at 7 p.m. at the NDP Cafeteria. Trepid will kick off the night, featuring the fabulous Jon Russo on drums. Then Hot Rodney will knock you dead with a set of songs, both old and new, something borrowed, something blue. If the spirit moves you, word of mouth advertising is the best kind. AIM profiles and away messages are also great! Once again, that's the Hot Rodney two-year anniversary show, this coming Wednesday, November 26, in case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard yet. We couldn't be more excited about it and we hope everyone comes to give thanks for old friends and good music. And if you haven't heard Not One Cloud yet, this is your chance! Admission will be just $2, and all the proceeds will go to the NDP Concert Chorale, which is trying very hard to raise money to go to New York City this year to sing.
Here's something fun: HERO OF THE WEEK!
We are trying something new on the Hot Rodney website, where we give thanks to you guys for your dedication to the band. Although we will typically select only one person every week, we are going to kick off this tradition with two! This week's heroes are none other than Chris Laney and Adam Dutkiewicz. Here's why:

These two crazies wanted nothing more than to see Hot Rodney perform at their most recent show in Albion Michigan. Duke and Laney are currently living in the East Lansing area, a good 53 miles away from Albion. As freshmen attending Michigan State, they are unable to have cars. Where many lost hope, giving up their dreams of seeing The Rodneys perform their longest set to date, these two prepared to battle the odds. Laney and Duke woke up at the crack of dawn and mounted their bicycles side by side, riding into the crisp autumn morning. Planning for an all day event, they left East Lansing around 8 in the morning...only to find that they would conquer the journey in no more than 5 man hours. Oh yes! They made it to the show. In fact, when they got there, they helped promote and sell CDs. God bless these two super gentlemen! You have served the band proud! We love you guys. For this reason and many more, you are this weeks "Best Person...Ever!"
(Tyler, the fallen "third rider," gets honorable mention.)
Hero of the Week will be maintained under Question of the Week in the Messages section! Feel free to praise our heroes or suggest your own in the lovely and enticing Guestbook!
One more thing, from Nick:
We would like to start another tradition of playing at least one show a month, even while we are all away at college. If you would like to book Hot Rodney for either an electric or acoustic performance, or know of someone that would, or know of a place we could/should play...please e-mail us or let us know personally. Thanks a lot!
Oh, and there's a new Question of the Week. Get on that!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/15/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey all you Hot Rodniks!
We're all getting ready for the show on November 26 at NDP. Our good friends Trepid will be opening the night and it's gonna be a great time. You're invited! Bring Grandma too, she'll love it.
The next couple things are from Nick:
The Rodneys desperately need your help! Hot Rodney is working on making a T-shirt to represent the band. We are looking for some cool artwork or designs that can help make for a great shirt. We are brainstorming amongst ourselves, but the way we look at it, you guys will be wearing them anyway. So consider it a T-shirt design contest if you want, but we just need some good ideas/artwork. If you can design something good, let us know, and it might just end up on our T-shirts! Designs will be posted as we receive them. Thanks guys!
Shows:  We would like to start another tradition of playing at least one show a month, even while we are all away at college.  If you would like to book Hot Rodney for either an electric or acoustic performance, or know of someone that would, or know of a place we could/should play...please email us or let us know personally.  Thanks a lot!
Finally, thanks to all of our fans who came to see us at Albion. We had a great time and we hope you enjoyed yourselves. Thanks too to everyone at Albion and at WLBN who made it happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/5/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hot Rodney's brand-new sophomore LP, hot off the presses.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/4/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Albion Update: Hot Rodney will perform at 10 o'clock in the evening at the SEE, on the second floor of the Kellogg Center. That's this Saturday, November 8th.
Also, our new record Not One Cloud will arrive tomorrow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11/3/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Rodneys have booked a show at Albion College this Saturday, November 8th!
They know it's kind of last minute, but be assured that anyone who makes the trek for the show will forever be a Friend of Rodney. Duke, Tyler, and Laney are going to BIKE to the show! That's like 53 miles, offroad! They're leaving at like 8 a.m.  They are Superfans!
Please do come to the show if you can. You'll hear all your old favorites, plus lots of songs from the new record, plus a few that are fresh out of the creative oven! It'll be in the evening, at the Kellogg Center. A delightful mix of acoustic and electric numbers. Nick, Jim, Andrew, and Greg are all really excited, and we hope you are too! We'll give you more information when Nick hears more. When we know, you'll know! And honestly, you'll immediately find yourself with four lifelong friends/admirers. You'll probably be immortalized on this site. You will definitely land on our "Things We Like" list! Great music, good people, bring your smile!
Nick, Jim, and Ben took a trip to Lake Michigan. On its banks they rolled down sand dunes. They came back with an amplifier, and Ben came back with a bruised arm. Come to Albion Saturday to see the amplifier! Go to Ann Arbor to see Ben's arm.
Bill got a call today. The new record will arrive this Wednesday, November 5th! God, can you handle all of these Hot Rodney developments?
Don't forget the Hot Rodney two-year anniversary show at NDP on November 26, mates!
Oh, and come to Albion Saturday!
From Rochester
Also listen to the Albion radio station, WLBN, for Hot Rodney music!

--Below, the announcement for the NDP performance, from the Shows section--
Hot Rodney will be playing a two-year anniversary show at the Notre Dame Prep cafeteria on Wednesday, November 26, at 7 p.m.! Our good friends Trepid, featuring the illustrious Jon Russo, will open the show. It'll be just $2, and all proceeds will benefit the NDP Concert Chorale's trip to New York City! Everyone please come, it'll be great!