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February 2004

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2/23/04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hey guys, I wanted to reward your patience over these interminable winter months with a nice MP3. I realize I've been promising this kind of thing for a long time... you can never say I misled you. We finally secured some bandwidth. Here it is:
(Right click, "Save Target As..." to download)
This is a demo Jimmy made before the November NDP show. He ended up singing it at the concert; it's an old Phil Spector song. He sent it to me on AIM back then, and it was never really intended to be heard by anyone, much less made freely available to all on the Internet... However, I think it's good, and BC agrees, so I'm posting it. Listen for the vocal flourishes at the end! As usual, post in the guestbook if you have any comments or anything, and feel free to share with friends or moms or whatever! Hope you like it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2/4/04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yes, things have been a little quiet around here lately, but don't worry. We've all been fairly busy.
Jimmy will play Joseph in the NDP musical at the end of March and beginning of April. Of course we're all exceedingly proud. This marks the second time a member of Hot Rodney has landed the lead role in one of these shows (Nick did it last year). Good pal Sammy Vitale will also play Joseph, trading off nights with Jim. When Jim's not devoting his nights to rehearsals, you'll find him on the sidelines at NDP basketball/volleyball games... or playing Double Dash.
Andrew's punching the clock at Oakland and living with Scollin still. He just got a new car (well, new to him). He goes to a lot of basketball games and works at Perry's Party Rentals, and is fast improving at Double Dash.
Nick is still singing with the Spartan Dischords at State. He does a lot of reading and has been trying to set up a primitive way to record Rodney demos at school, with limited success. He remains optimistic.
Greg's at Western, but he's with us in spirit always. He wears shirts rarely.
Lots of songs are in the bank and more are coming. Nick, Jim, and Andrew are all adding things to the pile. Also, our equipment has seen dramatic improvement since the last record. There's the new amp, and now Jim has a Jaguar. But alas, as long as Nick is at school and Jim's engrossed in the play, recording in earnest might prove difficult. We're trying to figure that out. The Rodneys are very interested in playing another live gig soon, so if you have any tips or ideas, or you feel like throwing a party and having us play, either e-mail us or make yourself heard on the messageboard!
Dan Hollenkamp has generously given us a bunch of bandwidth, so you might see a couple of demos surfacing in MP3 form soon. Also, the info section will be updated soon. No kidding.